Monday, January 14, 2019

Quick one.....

I love how many experts that are around now. Idiots don't know the first thing about the shoes they are talking about.

It irritates me when I see "experts" getting info wrong. Especially if the shoe has been out for 20+ years. ESPECIALLY especially (yes, 2 especiallys) when they have the shoe in hand.

Guess they've always been around, haven't they? Just now any idiot can self publish online and no one knows or cares about facts. Just get them views up so your ad revenue comes in so you can buy the next pair of shoes you don't like to do a review to get them views up!

The worst part is these "experts" make a living off their bullshit.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Well, well , well.... look what I found!

Let's brush off some dust here and clean some webs off.

So much has changed, except the fact no one reads this.

Lets see where this can go with my renewed love for sneakers.

Fuck the game if it ain't sayin' nothing!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Life finally moves on...

This  post will not deal with sneakers. Sometimes I do that. It's my blog that nobody reads!

Tonight is the last part of the chapter of my life that has taken 14 years. Tomorrow I start a new chapter of my life. No more bullshit, politics or idiots.

No longer do I have to deal with the powers that be trying to break me down, making me feel like a lesser person. Making me feel like a piece of shit!

They can ALL go to hell!!!

They can have everything they want now!

They win!

Funny thing though, nobody wants what they have.

You lied and cheated me. You tried to ground me down, but I was always stronger then you!

Now I PROVE it to the world!

There are times when a person realizes what they are fighting for isn't worth it anymore. It may be something serious, maybe not. But when that time comes, you have to be strong enough to move on. If that means doing somethimg you don't like for a while, so be it!

All these idiots, all these holier then thou morons, all these fucks, can eat a big fat dick!!!

Stay in your little world with your little circles and do whatever it is that you are going to do.I don't care any more!

I don't care any more!

It feels so good to say that.

On a side note, I made this post from my phone. If anything is spelled wrong or looks weird, please just excuse it.

I'm outty 5

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The answer is YES!!!!!

Guess who's back...

Back again...

Jason's back....

Tell a friend.....

Or don't, I don't care. HA!

So it's been a while. I said I was going to keep posting on this here blogger thing. So here I am! Blogging!

I saw something on Sole Collector a couple of minutes ago about the prices of Sneakers, asking if they are becoming too expensive.

Umm, yeah!!! Hello, where have you all been for the last, oh lets say, 10 years.

I actually remember a time when people thought $100 was way too much for sneakers. "You pay HOW MUCH for those?!?!?"

Your basis Lebron model is $180ish. There is nothing special about that shoe. The "Elite" model, which has NO changes to it other then cosmetic, is $280! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! They have the Nike+ shit in them, which to this OG sneakerhead is just that, SHIT! This isn't just Lebrons either. Most top of the line Nikes are done up like this. It's pathetic!

This is something I've posted about before. I understand basic economics, prices go up, blah blah blah. But $280 for something that doesn't even have any real collector value yet is just wrong.

Remember when the Durantt's shoes where like $70. I was told by a reliable source that his shoes would never go over $100. The normal version of his shoe is $115, the "Elite" version is $170!

Now comes the part that I always seem to get to in posts like this....

You are paying more for these shoes, but getting less quality.

I've been saying this for so long that I don't want to type anymore about it. Look through the posts I've made in this blog about it.

When some shoes go on sale, they are still $150! Shoes that wont last.

 I would have no problem paying $400 for a pair of shoes if I knew they were going to last. I played ball in a pair of Retro Air Jordan III's a few days ago, I could literally feel them becoming loose on my feet as I was running. That should not happen after 20 minutes of playing. I paid $150 for those. It was right before the price increase for Retro J's to $160. $160 for shoes that were designed over 25 years ago.

are sneakers becoming too expensive?

The answer is, who's been paying for your shoes if your just now asking this question?

Go buy some And1's from Walmart. Don't get me started on that BULLSHIT!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


what a statement for a return, huh?

before i get to far, let me remind folks of a few things. i don't care if this is read by anyone. i post this to get things off my chest. for the near future i am posting from my phone, thats why no capital letters. i am a hardcore sneaker collector, for over 20 years!

now, onto the bullshit...

i need a new pair of running shoes. i am seriously trying to get my dunk back this spring/summer. all of my old running shoes are shot, its the one part of sneakers i dont really care about. so i run to the mall, early so i can maybe avoid the idiots.


i stroll in and half of the stores are closed, or so i thought. there are lines in front of the stores. then i remember that the aj xiv is out today.

then i see security all over the place!

then i see the stores are only letting in one person at a time in to buy their crappy retro.

i find myself thinking what the fuck has happened to our culture?

all this over a pair of shoes?!?

i read about the chaos in places over xi's and foams. my coworkers ask me every monday after a release if i went to the mall and battled over the weekend. i try to explain to them thats not the way it is in most places.

then i see all this!

what the fuck is wrong with you idoit ass sheep!?!? you are ruining this culture, which you are not truely a part of. you make anyone that wants to have nice shoes look like a bunch of fucking morons!

you just follow whatever jordan brand tells you to buy( dont get me started on prices, that comes in a few days).

it makes me ashamed to be a sneakerhead.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the road back...

I will be back soon. It's been way too long!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A TRUE collector....

A lot of people in today's culture don't really have a true love for what they are doing. They buy and wear items for a variety of reasons, I've posted this stuff before.

Every once in a while a story comes along that shows what TRUE sneaker collecting is.

I never knew this guy, I wish I had.