Saturday, March 10, 2012


what a statement for a return, huh?

before i get to far, let me remind folks of a few things. i don't care if this is read by anyone. i post this to get things off my chest. for the near future i am posting from my phone, thats why no capital letters. i am a hardcore sneaker collector, for over 20 years!

now, onto the bullshit...

i need a new pair of running shoes. i am seriously trying to get my dunk back this spring/summer. all of my old running shoes are shot, its the one part of sneakers i dont really care about. so i run to the mall, early so i can maybe avoid the idiots.


i stroll in and half of the stores are closed, or so i thought. there are lines in front of the stores. then i remember that the aj xiv is out today.

then i see security all over the place!

then i see the stores are only letting in one person at a time in to buy their crappy retro.

i find myself thinking what the fuck has happened to our culture?

all this over a pair of shoes?!?

i read about the chaos in places over xi's and foams. my coworkers ask me every monday after a release if i went to the mall and battled over the weekend. i try to explain to them thats not the way it is in most places.

then i see all this!

what the fuck is wrong with you idoit ass sheep!?!? you are ruining this culture, which you are not truely a part of. you make anyone that wants to have nice shoes look like a bunch of fucking morons!

you just follow whatever jordan brand tells you to buy( dont get me started on prices, that comes in a few days).

it makes me ashamed to be a sneakerhead.

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