Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yet another sneaker blog- insert rolling eyes here!

Since 99% of the members on the different message boards either can't read or choose not to, I figured I would start a blog just to get to people that DO read. This way I don't get 283 responses of "ThAtS dOpE!1!1" or just quotes from other members-

Quote "some other idot above me"
I can't think of anything to add to the discussion so I'll be the typical lazy message board sneakerhead and just quote some other typical lazy message board sneakerhead.

I don't really care if anyone ever reads this shit, I just want to get it my thoughts out there in a way that won't get me banned from a site for being negative all the time.

This blog is dedicated to the bullshit I see in this culture on a regualar basis. I don't want to be negative all the time, and I will post positive things as much as I can. But there really is more bullshit then good right now.

People trying to get in to make money off of us, don't even know what we are about. Resellers, pushing prices up so high normal heads can't afford to get anything that's not GR. Disrespectful kids that need to learn how to read. Counterfeiters, if you know me, you know my stance on that. If you don't know me, I'll post about that later. eBay, not doing anything to protect buyers or seller, just getting their "cut". All kinds of content floating around that doesn't offer any REAL opinions, only kissing companies asses to get free stuff.

Take it for what you will. I've been collecting longer then most people in the game have been alive. I've been a member of more message boards then probably anyone in the game. I've been around long enough to know the difference between real heads and fake, just showing off how much money their parents have, wannabe heads.

Love it or hate it, at this point I don't give a fuck. I'm going to say what I feel is the right thing to say, if someone doesn't like it, too bad.

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