Thursday, April 22, 2010

The people at eBay have their heads so far up their asses they can see what they are eating!

Yeah, I know what your thinking-

"But Jason, we've all known that for 10 year now".

Let me tell you a story.

I've been selling off my collection, I've mentioned it before on this here blog. Yesterday, out of the blue with no warning, there are limits placed on my eBay account. Bullshit, but what ever. I can't put the namebrands in the title of the auctions. So I just use the actual name of each shoe.

A couple hours go by and I notice 2 of my auctions are gone. I'm like wtf. I start looking at my account, there is a policy violation on my account for counterfeit items. First, I want to kill people from eBay. Then I calm down and start the process of getting this fixed. I email "customer service", which in actuallity should be named dumbest fucks online, to see what the problem is. I get a response saying one of my listings violated the policy because, get this-

1. There was no namebrand in the title.

2. There is no original box for the shoes.


Let me repeat that-

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

All of the fake ass bullshit they have on that site, not just shoes, and one of my auctions gets flagged because of some tiny bullshit like that??? Motha fucking companies have started to sue eBay because of fakes listed on their site. They can't tell the difference between real shit and fake shit. They will actually tell you there is no way to actually tell the difference between the two. We all know that's total BULLSHIT!!! We know that, other people in other hobbies know that, eBay knows it. They're just to fucking lazy to actually do anything to fight it.

I know a person that was contacted by eBay about a program to start identifying counterfeit shoes. He started the program, then after a few weeks stopped. eBay wasn't taking down the auctions that he was telling them were fakes! People wand up buying fake shoes because eBay is too fucking lazy and too concerned about how much money they make.

This is the shoe that they say is fake-

I bought them from a Nike Outlet here in the Denver area a few years ago. They are B-grades.

Maybe I'll tell eBay to kiss my ass at the end of the month when my bill is due.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Outdoor basketball/streetball/real basketball

It's that time of year, the snow has stopped falling, the sun is out more. Time for some streetball!!!

Every year around this time I start to see people posting about what shoes are good for playing outdoors. And every year around this time I start to see people replying with some really silly ideas.

People almost always respond with expensive ass, top of the line sneaks.

Are you serious? Your going to pay top dollar for shoes that are going to be destroyed in about a month?

When I first started playing ball, all I did was streetball. Real streetball, not the pansy ass And1/no rules crap. I went through so many shoes, more then I went through later when I only played indoors.

Outdoor ball is SO much harder on you sneakers. Concrete is a grinder, it literally grinds away your shoes. I had shoes that got holes in them after only 3 weeks of wearing them. Like a dumbass, these were shoes I paid full price for. Now, most of them were not top of the line. But I did wear Jordans outdoors once in a while.

Once Nike put an outlet nearby, all that was over. I would go to the outlet and buy whatever good shoe they had. Most of the time I wouldn't even pay $50.

That is the way to do shoes for the outdoors game. There is no point in destroying something that is actually cool or high priced. Save those shoes for the hardwood.

Unless you get them for real cheap.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ruptured ligaments

I don't think most people truly know what real ankle supports it. I read a bunch of different articles and posts from all over the web and see people say curtain shoes have great ankle support.

I try these shoes and the ankle support is not there.

I know about ankle support. My senior year of high school I ruptured ligaments in my right ankle while playing basketball. Ever since then I look for real ankle support in my shoes.

When I say real ankle support I mean the support you get from the uppers, not from the soles. Most people stand in their shoes and try to twist their ankle with the sole flat in the ground and all of their body weight is on it. From my experience, most ankle injuries happen when you step on someone else's foot. That's where the real ankle support comes in. The support provided by the uppers is much more important the fake support from the soles.

The best way to test the support from the uppers is to take the weight off of the leg, twist the ankle over and see how much support is there. Without putting weight on it.

People say Flywire shoes have good ankle support. I tried on a pair of Hyperdunks, did this test and thought these were the worst shoes for real ankle support I had ever tried on. But if you do what most people do, try to twist the ankle with the sole flat on the ground, they are great. But that's a false notion. That's why the Pistons banned the Hyperize, it has no real ankle support.

No shoe, brace or tape is going to totally prevent injury if your ankle twists over. The key is to minimize the injury. Wearing good shoes with good support from the uppers is the first, and sometimes the only, step needed.

Love you ankles.

Edited April 7-

A perfect example of this is the Air Jordan XI. If you stand in place with the sole flat on the ground it has great support. If you take your weight off and twist your ankle, it sucks. That is the main reason I sold all my XI's. I played in one pair twice and didn't want anything to do with them on a basketball court ever again.

Try this in XII's and you will feel a HUGE difference!!!