Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sad state of the culture...

I noticed something a few days ago, seems obvious, but I never really thought about it.

There seems to be thousands of sites were you can buy sneakers. Whether they are real or not, general releases or limited editions, retail chains, small stores, personal websites. Literally thousands of site.

But only a few where you can actually discuss sneakers.

On top of that, most of the sites where you can discuss things are linked to another site trying to sell you something or make money in some other way.

Years ago, when the Internet was new and shinny, it was the other way around.

There were tons of message boards and sites dedicated to the love of sneakers. There were only a handful of sites selling.

Nikepark, Swooshtown, 23jumpman St., Niketalk, Nike Spirit, John's Swoosh page, so many sites they all can't be listed. Every one of them made just for the love of Nike/sneakers. It seemed like no one cared about making money off of these sites.

There were only a small handful of sites that actually sold shoes and that's all they did. There wasn't a message board on any of them. All they did was sell shoes.

It really does show the state of the culture now. Everyone is worried about how much their collection is worth or how much they can get for a pair of shoes. Then the same people turn around and try to low ball someone for something they know is worth more.

It's like the culture is more about the money then it is about the love of sneakers.

It's pretty sad.

There are some people out there that actually collect for the love and don't give a shit about the worth of what they have. I applaud these people. We need more of that in this culture.

Words like worth, value, price check, how much- all need to go. If you are worried about any of these, your not a true collector.

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