Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Denver, the ass end of the sneaker world

I had a dream the other night, seemed real to me. Dunksxchange came to Denver, Sneakerpimps came to Denver, Sole Collector came back to Denver. We had finally shown the rest of the world that Denver is a sneaker city, on par of LA or NY. Then I woke up.

I know that there probably isn't anybody in Denver reading this, I don't care, I'm still going to post this.

If you live in Denver and wonder why DX or Sneaker Pimps doesn't come here, all you have to do is look at the fact that none of you actually do anything. Some of the stores put on shows, which is a very good thing. But the people in the culture here hardly do shit. The people on NT aways talk about doing a "summit", then only 2 of them show up. Those of us on SC, I can't put any blame on you, there are only like 4 of us.

When SC came during the 2005 All-star game, I tried to get people from the area to get in on it. Especially when I found out there were only 3 or 4 people from the area involved. I went to the stores, I emailed people. I actually put effort into it. None of you showed up! One of the 3-4 of us that did go, had fakes! The person that won was from Texas!

These groups don't come here because there is not sneaker culture here. How many of you know that Niketown was on the short list to be closed? The 400 was trying, but they closed. Shoe Extreme is full of assholes that don't give a fuck about the local community. Family Affair is trying to put together something for February, but it doesn't look like there is much interest. The SC guys want it, the NT sheep are too good to bother with it.

These groups aren't going to even think about coming here unless we get things going. We being the sneaker heads that live here. We can have huge events, people from the surrounding states would come. Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico. They all have sneaker heads within a few hours drive. If it was planned out properly, we could have the largest Sneaker event ever. There is a huge number of people in this area that don't get any love from DX or SP.

But, we have to work together to get anything to happen. We can't expect Family Affair to do all the work. We can't expect things to just happen. If we do that, nothing will ever happen. Look at what has been "happening" the last couple of years.


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