Thursday, December 31, 2009

Damn I'm bored!!!

For my last blog of the year, I'm just going to type shit out. Read it if you want, I don't care, I'm bored and have no life as I'm posting on a blog at 10:34 on New Years Eve.

Polar Bear Appliance Installation sucks balls!!! If you live in Denver and need appliances installed, don't use them. Unless you want you floor scratched and flooded.

Chris, I hope your MMA clothing line fails, bastard! You wouldn't even have the damn thing without me. You wouldn't even have your job without me! I hope you realize your a piece of shit and change your ways. Screwing me over the way you did was the stupidest thing anyone in this business has ever done. I got more experience in my little pinky then you do TOTAL!!! Go ask, everyone that knows you thinks your "experience" is lacking at best. The only thing you got is a HUGE ego. I had an ego, but I could back it up with actions. You can't even read instructions when you bet stuck on something, something I can do in my sleep. I hope what ever idiot you replace me with can take the bullshit you talk.

I need to buy a new hat soon. The JB hat I've been wearing for years is getting old.

My sisters dog chipped one of his teeth yesterday. He slipped on ice coming into the house and went face first into a cement step. Poor doggie.

I like how the ISS/SC mentality has moved over to eBay. The lowball thing ISS/SC members are known for. If you don't want to buy them for that price, go back to watching you cartoons kid!

I hope no one reads this.

I need red ink for my printer.

I need to ship about 5 pairs of shoes on Saturday.

I need a girlfriend. A life. Something.

I don't know why, but Google desktop just popped up on my screen. Maybe it's trying to tell me something.

I saw UFO's once. I wouldn't say they were aliens, they were the "orbs" you see on TV shows. There had to be some real explanation for what they actually were.

I think the people that were sitting next to that guy that tried to blow up that plane in Detroit should have beat him to within an inch of his life. If I were in that situation, I'm not going to lie, I'd like to think I'd would have to be pulled off of him. I figure if a person is trying to kill you and fails, you should have the right to beat him until you can beat him any longer.

It's 10:53.

Must type more.

My fingers are cold.

I need to find a job where I don't have to talk to people. Simple because most people don't listen and think they know everything. Why are you asking me for help if you already know the answer, supposedly?

I want to be more positive this next year. I think starting off right tomorrow morning is the best way to do it.

I was offered a "job" as a blogger for some new NBA fan site. It was for some sneaker part of a site they were working on. Then they stopped contacting me. I guess I don't know enough about sneakers or something.

I wonder if what I say last night on TV is real. There is a group of 7 men that run everything in the world. Really, only 7 men can run EVERYTHING in the world.

11:03, whats in the news?

Saturn has apparently moved into my tenth, whatever that means?!?!?

It's 19 degrees outside right now, maybe it's a good thing I have no life, it's cold as crap outside right now.

Does the Boondocks have more episodes then whats on Cartoon Network? I'm going to have to look into that.

Have you read it this far? If so I applaud you, I wouldn't read all this crap. It has nothing to do with sneakers. That's what this blog it about.

There are idiots already yelling and making noise outside of my house. GO AWAY!!!

Like typing go away in caps is going to do anything. Stupid!

Why do people follow me on twitter? I never use it. I can understand people that know me, but that's not that many. I get random ass people following me.

TNA wrestling made a huge mistake in bringing Hogan into things. Hogan will destroy any headway they've made over the past couple of years.

I got 112 view on my Flickr 2 days ago. That's huge for my!

11:20, I'm pathetic.

My sister makes the best mashed potato's!!!

I need some water.

I got some water.

I need a new camera. The 20d is getting real old. The autofocus is starting to get weird.

This is a long ass post.

I'm reading other sites as I type this. ISS is dead right now, Yahoo news is the same old junk, none of the blogs I watch have been updated in a while, I can't stand looking at NT( I seriously get a headache).

I need more hearts on MyBrandz.

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight.

I think I'll start a Facebook in the new year. I don't know why, I don't need to. Just something else to do online. It will probably end up like my Myspace page, just sitting there empty with nothing going on.

Maybe I won't start a Facebook.

11:39, I think I'll go all the way to midnight then stop.

If your into building models, the people at are the nicest on the web. I post my stuff there now. They really are trying to make a good community there.

Merkeva sure are nice looking tanks. I just wish there was a good model of one.

I SERIOUSLY need to clean my car.

11:52, almost there.

I just accidently click onto another site and thought I lost all this. My masterpiece ruined!!! Luckily this blog site autosaves, yeah baby yeah!!!

Is normal person really affraid of 2012? The Mayan's that made their calander probably just got bored and stopped at that point. They figured they have a couple thousand years to finish the damn thing.

12:00, January 1, 2010.


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